April 19, 2013

Tolu Sangosanya Makes LOTS Happen

By Lisa Jones

I will never forget the moment I met Tolu at the Laureate Global Fellowship Retreat last fall in Istanbul, Turkey. She didn't hesitate to confide in me that it was her first time traveling outside of Nigeria, but with her well-placed self-assurance and beaming smile, I did not see a timid first-time traveler. I saw a confident woman who won't rest until she is certain that the six and seven-year-olds she knows today will be Nigeria's future leaders--not its street population.

Through LOTS Charity Foundation, Tolu works with vulnerable children living in the Dustbin Estate--a slum community on the outskirts of Lagos, Nigeria--to provide an atmosphere conducive to the learning, health, and overall happiness of each child. Following Tolu on Facebook means having a news feed abound with photos of smiling children and their families on each holiday, enjoying parties and gifts--laundry baskets stuffed full of daily necessities and special treats. Aside from fun and games, LOTS intervenes in several important aspects of a child's life to keep him or her off the street. Classes focused on literacy, financial management, reproductive health, and computer usage are offered, along with one guaranteed meal per day.

Tolu says in the video below:
I don't think any child will listen in class if he's hungry, I don't think a sick child will want to be educated, so we need to care for each piece of the child to make him whole.

Through LOTS, Tolu and her team make it possible for children to dream big and feel empowered to pursue an education that will allow those aspirations to be more than dreams. To me, Tolu is an inspiration. To her community, she is the "Angel of Dustinbin Estate." Learn more at www.lotscharityfoundation.org.

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