January 2, 2013

Social Enterprise Infographic

This infographic addresses trends in the growing field of social entrepreneurship in the United States and beyond. One of the most exciting data sets put forth is early stage social entrepreneurship activity organized by gender and region.  In both Africa and the U.S., women and men are equally likely to found their own social change organization. This may indicate that social entrepreneurship allows women to seek out important leadership roles that may not be as easily accessible in traditional businesses settings. 

Changes in legislation and impact investing market potential data suggests that the burgeoning field of social enterprise is only gaining in popularity. Through annual fellowships, YouthActionNet aims to provide training, networking opportunities, mentorship, and other benefits to social entrepreneurs around the world who are looking to scale their initiatives and create impact in the most efficient ways possible. Regardless of business models, YouthActionNet recognizes all social change organizations that use innovative solutions to solve common problems as “social entrepreneurs.”  Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with new initiatives as we work to empower all young social entrepreneurs—those who are part of the statistics above, and those yet to come. 

Source: Infographic produced by GOOD and Deeplocal.